Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Most Holy Trinity

"There is something different about the feast day we celebrate today, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, and the feasts we have been celebrating most recently, such as Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, or the Ascension of Jesus, which we celebrated a couple weeks ago, where Jesus makes his final departure from his disciples and they don't experience his bodily presence any longer, or last week when we celebrated the feast of Pentecost. That was a very powerful experience of those first disciples of the church, when the spirit of Jesus was poured forth upon them, made their hearts burn with love and forced them almost to go out into the streets and proclaim the good news.

Those feasts have concrete experiences behind them. They celebrate something concrete and real that happened in history. There's nothing so concrete, so real, in a sense, about today's feast, the Feast of the Trinity."

(The rest of this sermon from John Dear's friend Bishop Tom Gumbleton can be found here.)

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